Monarto Safari Park

The new Monarto Visitor Centre and Safari Gateway has transformed Monarto Safari Park into a global icon.

The project augmented the existing Monarto Safari Park operations through an enhanced visitor experience. The design philosophy was inspired by Monarto Safari Park’s conservation ideology and the authentic merging of two ancient cultures.

Metric was engaged to develop the submission video, followed by designing the wayfinding signage to enhance the visitor experience and provide a clear journey right from the moment of arrival. Our approach included a large and memorable entry sign on the main road, the installation of themed 3D parking bay signs inspired by fauna at the zoo and an alluring entry tunnel providing a transitional experience from Australia to Africa.

Submission Video : Submission Video
Wayfinding Strategy: Wayfinding Strategy
Wayfinding Design: Wayfinding Design
Wayfinding Production Management : Wayfinding Production Management